The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I retired from the US Army Corps of Engineers in Pittsburgh, PA after 34 years of dedicated service to my country. I have had several fun jobs so far in my retirement. I was a Construction Inspector for building an Acid Mine Drainage Project along Indian Creek in Fayette County, PA. I work in the Vending department filling pop and candy machines, among other things, at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Somerset County, PA. Presently I am working at Laurel Hill Trout Farm fish hatchery grading fish and making deliveries. My wife and I have been traveling. We have cruised to Alaska, the Panama Canal, New England to Quebec, and the Caribbean several time. We have also taken land trips to Hawaii, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite Park and a lot of the western states. I attend all Penn State home football games with fellow alumni association member Barry Neiderhiser.